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Rewards and Behaviour

We believe in reinforcing positive behaviour in school, and believe that our children should always be commended for upholding our school values.


We use a number of different systems in school to reinforce positive behaviour, and reward pupils for making an active contribution to our school community. As with any reward system, this is in tandem with our consequences approach that is tailor-made to suit the needs of our pupils and school. A consistent and child-friendly message around our approach to rewards and sanctions is displayed across school and in every classroom.


We don’t have lots of overly-complex school rules. To support our children, we have one rule in school that we call The Golden Rule: We Keep Ourselves, and Each Other, Safe. Each year group also has their own specific class rules.

Our Rewards

Below are some details on the reward systems that we use in school.

Good to be Green

Good to be Green

We use a ‘Good to be Green’ system in every class in school. Pupils who are #GreenAllWeek receive a celebration text at the end of the week, and are entered into a prize draw the following week. Prizes range from books, to sports equipment, to art materials – covering all areas of the curriculum.

House Points

House Points

All children in school are split into one of six houses, and earn House Points for displaying our school values and working hard. House totals are shared every week, with pupils from the houses in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place each half-term, being in with a chance of winning a gift voucher.

Churchfield Champion Postcards

Churchfield Champion Postcards

When a member of staff sees a child going above and beyond, or doing something that shows excellence in our values they may receive a surprise Churchfield Champion postcard in the post! These postcards are handwritten by staff, and highlight when our children really have impressed us!

Golden Awards

Golden Awards

Golden Awards are our weekly awards that we hand out on a Friday in assembly. Every week class teachers nominate a child for a Golden Award, write their name and reason in our special celebration book and they also win 5 House Points, and have a celebration message sent home!

Value Awards

Value Awards

Like Golden Awards, we give out Value Awards weekly but on a Wednesday. Staff nominate children who have shown a great example of one of our school values. Children receive a certificate, 5 House Points and a celebration text home.

And There's More...

And There's More...

We also use a range of other methods in school, such as half-termly Behaviour All-Star awards, where the winner receives 10 House Points! We regularly use verbal praise in school, and also award attendance through weekly attendance awards and more!

Sanctions & Consequences

Our rewards system motivates children to show positive behaviour and uphold our values. As with any rewards approach, this goes hand-in-hand with our consequences system and we reinforce to children that every action has a consequence – whether that be a reward or sanction. In school, we use a restorative approach to behaviour management and encourage children to talk about what has happened. Our consequences system works hand-in-hand with our Good to be Green approach, and we introduce a level system for pupils who have not followed our school values. Any incidents of behaviour that are not inline with our ethos are communicated to parents on the day of the incident.


For more information, please see our Rewards and Behaviour policy, and poster.

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