A uniform is more than a badge or item of clothing, it gives a sense of belonging. We believe that the best uniform is one that is high quality, but most importantly – affordable for parents.
A uniform provides children with a routine that will benefit them as they move forward in their education. We have high expectations of all our pupils, and this includes uniform. All pupils are expected to attend in full uniform, unless alternative prior arrangements have been made (e.g due to sensory issues or an injury). Our uniform can be purchased from anywhere, with or without a badge, and we also operate an ongoing FREE uniform store and swap-shop in school.
Uniform Information
Below is more information about our uniform. Our school colours are claret/burgundy/maroon.

School Uniform
- Claret jumper, cardigan or fleece
- White or burgundy polo shirt, blouse or formal shirt
- Grey or black trousers or tailored shorts
- Grey skirt or pinafore
- Claret or red and white summer dress
- Smart and comfortable dark shoes or trainers

PE Kit
- Plain white t-shirt or burgundy Churchfield PE T-Shirt
- Plain black or navy sports shorts
- Plain black gym leggings
- Children may also wear a jumper & joggers if the weather is cold
- Long hair must be tied back
- All jewellery must be removed

- Swimming Shorts (no long shorts, above the knee)
- One-Piece Swimming Costume
- Towel
- Bag for Wet Items
- Long Hair Must Be Tied Back
- Jewellery Must Be Removed

Swap Shop
We have a uniform swap shop in school that can be accessed at any time by speaking to Mrs Phillips. We also hold a parent coffee morning on the last Friday of every half-term where the swap shop will be out for parents to use freely. There’s a range of uniform in all sizes, all freshly washed.

Free Uniform
We keep a wide range of uniform in school that is available FREE to parents at any point. Just speak to Mrs Phillips, Mr Bean or Mrs Foster if you need any items. We are here to support parents, and ensure that all of our children can wear their uniform with pride.

Free PE Shirt
On entry into school, we provide ALL children with a FREE Churchfield PE shirt. This can be worn for PE and trips in warmer weather, but children can also wear a plain white t-shirt if they wish.
Restricted Items
The following items are not allowed to be worn in school. If pupils are wearing any of these items, they will be asked to remove them and parents contacted.
- Football (or other sports), or heavily branded sports shirts for PE
- T-Shirts, tracksuit tops and hoodies for normal school uniform (unless a leavers’ hoodie)
- ‘Pretend or transfer’ tattoos
- Nail varnish or false nails on fingers or toes
- Make-up of any kind
- Open-toed shoes, sandals or flip flops
- Pupils may wear one small pair of stud earrings, but these must be able to be removed independently for PE. Any piercings must be done at the start of the summer holidays so that they have time to heal over the 6 weeks break
- Sensible and safe watches can be worn in school, but are worn at the owner’s risk