Pupil leadership is the heartbeat of our school. Our children have a voice and develop their understanding of democracy through our School Council.
The School Council is made up of 12 children from Y6 – Y2. They meet every Friday afternoon to discuss key issues in school, charity work, safety and more. The Council elects a Chair each year, as voting on a ‘School Council Award’ winner every week – this is given out in assembly with the Value Awards and worth 20 House Points!
Meet The Council & More Information
Meet our School Council members below, and find out more about the council.

WAT Parliament
Every school sends a member to represent them at the Waterton Pupil Parliament. In 2021-22, our very own Ethan was Prime Minister!

Meet The Team
Our school council is newly-elected every year, including children from Y2 to Y6. The Council have even agreed rules on how long people can serve for.

School Council Award
Every week the group puts forward names for children they feel deserves to win the coveted ‘School Council Award’ and why. The group then debates and votes on a winner. The award is given for showcasing our school values in exceptional fashion and the winner receives 20 House Points, as well as receiving their award from a Council representative.

Houses of Parliament
Every year our School Council visits the Houses of Parliament, watches a debate live and meets our local MP (as well as sightseeing and exploring our capital city!). All costs of this trip are paid for by school.

Pupil Voice
Our school council support with a range of initiatives in school. This year they have chosen the prizes for the Monopoly Board (after meeting with their class), chosen a charity to fundraise for (RSPCA), provided guided tours to visitors on our open days and more!

Our school council also play a key role in making our school as safe as possible for everyone. Every week our school council meetings start with the same discussion point – ‘Has anything made you feel worried or unsafe this week?’. As a group we then talk through any worries or concerns and find a solution!
Class Council Meetings
School Councillors hold regular meetings with their class to discuss any ideas they’d like to bring to the next meeting.
WAT Initiatives
Every year the Waterton Pupil Parliament run a series of initiatives, such as fund-raising for MND charities, fundraising for the RSPCA, providing every school with a hedgehog home, buddy bench and more!