We use a house system in school to instil a sense of belonging in our children. All children are allocated a house on entry into school, and will be in the same as their siblings.
The Churchfield House Cup actually dates back to 1903, and we still use the original cup today for the winning house! Our children chose the names for our houses, and voted for an ‘out of this world’ theme by naming them after planets. Every year our Houses select 2 ‘House Captains’ who have the responsibility of leading their House and being a role model for others. Children will stay in their house throughout their entire journey at Churchfield, and our house system is used across school such as for Sports Days, in school competitions and other events.
Our Houses & Captains
Click below to download your child’s house badge to display with pride at home.

Mercury is our orange house.

Venus is our pink house.

Earth is our green house.

Jupiter is our aqua house.

Saturn is our yellow house.

Neptune is our blue house.
Why We Use Houses
We want to instil in our children the value of hard work and a drive to succeed. Pupils are awarded a House Point token for going above and beyond, and showcasing our school values. This could be in their work, at a sporting event, an act of kindness or a community achievement. House Points are collected weekly and the House Points Cup league table updated every week in assembly. To find out more about House Points, visit our Behaviour and Rewards page! Our Houses form part of our Personal Development curriculum, and provide children with the opportunity to work with others from around school, and of different ages, as well as providing a common goal and sense of teamwork.